
Friday, January 23, 2009

Love story between a cock and a duck

Cock fell in love with chickenIn Hokkien, Cantonese idiom we like to say, chicken talk to duck, which means we can never understand each other. In China there is this very interesting news. A cock fell in love with a duck, fought with the latter for her, and they live happily ever after.

I hope this picture is not too absence.

Very touching. Didn’t come with the language.

(Link), if you can understand Chinese.

New Scientist, Darwin was wrong

Darwin was wrongA long, long article where New Scientist report on how Darwin's Tree of Life theory was incorrect. I hope this is not another Scientist’s self propaganda but base on objective facts.

Here – (Link) Via The deep of Time, New Scientist, Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life.

How to do Pteropus fly, new extreme sport.

Watch a group of young sportsman as they ski, jumped off the cliff, open up artificial wings built into their jump suit, and fly. This is as close to real flying as you can get. My heart trotted just by watching the video.

(Video) Vimeo, How to fly like Pteropus

Star Wars pop up book for my children, and me

Star Wars pop up bookGuide to Star Wars galaxy in 3D. This is a book my children will definitely love to read, and destroy.

(Link) ThinkGeek, Star Wars: A Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy.

Photos of children in Manila slum

The Charcoal Children of ManilaEnvironmental Graffiti has heart staggering photos of charcoal children in Philippines, taken by Hartmut Schwarzbach. These photos won UNICEF photo of the year, are beautiful, and unbearable to watch.

Linda McCormick wrote on the post,

“A staggering 40% of Filipinos live in abject poverty. That’s more than 30 million people; almost half the population of the UK. Many of them live in shanty towns in the cities, hoping for a better life…”

(Link) Environmental Graffiti, The Charcoal Children of Manila.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blog post of auspicious word for CNY 2009

CNYLink is a Chinese blog post of Mandarin words that you should avoid saying during CNY 2009.


Happy CNY!

Previously, Words of wisdom from 933FM

Singapore earns another heavenly title

I am reading this piece of news,

“Singapore may soon come under increased scrutiny from the US, if incoming President Barack Obama follows through with his pledge to crack down on abusive "tax havens" which "peddle secrecy" and "cloak tax evasion and other misconduct,"according to Withers law firm.”

Obama and his team will also implement "Offshore Secrecy Jurisdictions", a very, very scary name organization aims to handle, er, corruption. Well, I believe our top leader, and GLC alike, is clean as a whistle. There is nothing we need to worry about.

(Link) IBT, Hong Kong. Obama to influence Hongkong (and Singapore) as tax havens.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

CNA, 200K foreign workers to leave Singapore by 2010

Channel News Asia says, Singapore has total of more than 500K foreign workers, expatriates and permanent resident etc, it’s population will drop drastically should they are retrench. What will those companies say? Quotes from Yahoo News,

“The job cuts, which would include highly—paid expatriates and permanent residents, "

"As a result, job losses are likely to hit the Singaporean economy hard because they affect more highly paid workers and could result in a semi—permanent drop in the population,”

Few days before CNY, I hate to give you the bad News.

(Link) CNA, Yahoo News, Singapore’s population could fall by 4% as foreign workers laid off. (Thanks, honey!)

Sweet Heaven

Mummy gives a winter melon candy to Raynor. He asks,
“What’s the catch?”

We smile. He is supposed to take the bitter Chinese herb later, that’s why. Ah, good thing don’t come free in life, you have to work hard to earn the right to own it. You reap exactly what you sowed. Life is not a mystery, it follows very simple rule.

Spectacular view of unsold cars stash around the world

Nissan car stashQuote from Japan Car Blog,

“Carmakers around the world are axing jobs and halting production as the number of unsold cars climbs to unprecedented levels. Storage areas and docksides that once functioned as temporary parking are now packed with vast number of unsold cars and it looks like they’re running out of places to put them. Nissan sure is. They’ve resorted to stashing row upon row of unsold Micras on their factory test track.”

Nissan, Jaguar, Honda, Toyota.. They are all running out of place to park their glorious machine, hence, they parked them anywhere. As I say, prodigious view.

(Link) Japan Car Blog, Car makers running out of space to park unsold cars.

(Link) Jalopnik, Carpocalypse Now, Where Are Automakers Stashing Unsold Cars?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Alec Greven, NYT best seller author and, 9 years old

How to Talk to GirlsThese are some tips in his New York Times best seller – “How to Talk to Girls”,

Comb your hair and don't wear sweats
Control your hyperness (cut down on the sugar if you have to)
Don't act desperate

Very wise words…

(Link) Amazon, “How to Talk to Girls” by Alec Greven

Martin Luther King Jr, "I have a dream", speech and transcript.

Martin Luther King Jr Via American Rhetoric, Via American Rhetoric, (Video), and,
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed... all men are created equal.

"My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.

Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,

From every mountainside, let freedom ring!"

(Link) Full transcript of Martin Luther King Jr Speech - I have a dream.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cape No 7 (海角七号), 刻骨铭心的爱. Highly recommended

海角七号I will not miss this one (DVD), heart stirring love song and tears jacking story. Box office second to Titanic in the history of Taiwan movie.

(Link) Wiki, 海角七号.

Part of song lyric,

一直到雙手像枯樹一樣斑駁, 這些字才想起了當時的溫柔,
一直到郵差走遍千萬個門口, 這些信才想起了流浪的理由….

一封封情書穿越緩慢的時空, 代替我等了好久的十指相擁
我知道回去不一定一路順風, 只希望有天好好梳你的白頭…..

(Video) Youtube, 海角七號 - 情書

Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr Day.

Martin Luther King Jr Martin Luther King Jr, champion of human rights, won Nobel Peace Prize for ending racial discrimination through non violence means. I will commemorate this day by reflecting deeply about human issue, and eat an ice-cream.

(Link) Wiki, Martin Luther King Jr Day.

(Video) About Liberty.

Joseph Stalin, a young man

Joseph StalinThanks to English Russia, I now know how he looks if I go back in time.
(Link) English Russia, Picture of Young Joseph Stalin.

National funding for Pirate

Ung PiratVia TorrentFreak, Swiss funds an organization ‘Young Pirate’, which associates with Swedish Pirate Party. Just like a Letter of Marque. (Link) Ung Pirat, Young Pirate.