
Saturday, April 30, 2011


深入敌阵, 破釜沉舟的背水一战, 虽然没有赢来对手的赞赏, 却深深抓住民众的心. 那种豪壮气魄, 令我慨然. 有一种壮士一去兮不复返的情怀.

祝你好运! 刘程强.

Monday, April 25, 2011

No gahmen doesn't mean no censorship, ok?

MDA or whoever spotted make this happen, well done.

I blog about this before. And more than one time said it is the best Now it has earn another award from me, the first one and only IT magazine which got it's pages torn off before it went on sale on various newspaper booth. Ho!

I don't want to complain, I want a refund. Kidding. Seriously, I understand this is a delicate matter, that's why you cannot watch certain movie at 16 but can have consensual sex. I thought I read from some famous blogger's blog now the gahmen dissolved liao? You prove me wrong. You prove that even without government, our society still can function as a quasi-conservative whole. I am proud of ya!

I just want to say, I will continue to support this magazine as it is the best. I will also continue to get things from the Internet as long as it is not banned in Singapore.

Our gahmen know the best.