
Friday, July 07, 2006

China harvest organ from the Falun Gong members?

How true is it? The West are convinced and claims evidence point to a undisputed truth. (Link) There are about 70 million Falun believers, but they only choose the healthy one. I believe Singapore 大纪元日报 will have a detail report on this.

interview with a taxi driver

有话就说 is lame, buckle up for a real life street talks
Everything you heard here should stay within the closure of the four taxi door. You would not hear this at the free speech corner.

The truth about Singapore situation, 95% of the taxi driver have something to say about our gahmen. This time is about North Korea, next... Singapore current issue coming up.

Your @#$% surname is not XXX

Dear owner of motorcycle number FY 5531Z,
I passed by here yesterday night. Your beautiful and huge vehicle was parked on the pathway. May I gently remind you, this is a pedestrian walk, not your @#$% mother backyard, please don't park you vehicle here again as it will block the way of a very poor old man - lostin.

Next time I see it again I will submit this photo to the town council.

No point being here when the cook is gone

I wanted to order Bak Chor Mee for my lunch, the cook is the best I ever seen in Singapore. Now he is gone, there is really no much point for me to be here anymore.

sigh! What will happen to our local "genuine" nice food?

Another hoax about Noah's Ark?

This time they say that it is in Iran, where next? Aberdare mountains? (Link)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Zimbabwe legalizes witchcraft after 100 years banned

During the Europe great witch hunt, the country has since regards the practice of spells, black magic as illegal. From July onwards it is no longer the case, witch and wizard are now able to freely go about their daily activities as long as they don't intend to harm others. (Link) Malawi is also pushing to legalize witchcraft.

I believe that there are some craft that can hurt a person without them knowing, I am not quite sure though. Now, witchcraft also can get legal status, talks about others.

Image of UK flag in Google

Go to Google image search, turn off safe search, key in "UK Flag" and click go. (Link) Look at the top right hand image... I think someone hacked and replaced the picture.

Genius!! dissident of England!

High speed bullet train not so high speed

YTL Corp proposed to build a high speed bullet train link from Singapore to KL. Once it is in place, it will only take 90 minutes to travel from one to another.

The project, SGD 2.2 billion, will need the approval of 2 Government. (Link)

2 years approval + 3 years construction = 5 years time we will be able to enjoy the 90 minutes ride from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur.

The three years construction is still acceptable, but it takes two years just to get the approval.....
So many issue to talk about huh?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The rights of Bona Fides

Recently I watched Brokeback Mountain and was fascinated by some of the ways gays conduct themselves. They can’t go around declare that they are one, nor hold any seminar to further their cause. They are not illegal but bound by the views of the general public. How are they going to “smell” their own “kind”?

It would be a different story if they declare their doctrine as a Religious belief.

I read from this article: (Link)

“….They were religious evangelicals, acting under the mandate of their dogma and the protection of human rights legislation…..”

One more.

“….I resent their intrusion and I wish they would just stay away but I cannot prevent them from visiting my neighborhood, living or working nearby or from peaceably enjoying their lives, beliefs and pursuits no matter how much they conflict with mine….”


“….What we all must do is recognize everyone the right to live in peace, to pursue their ambitions and to conduct their lives within the secular laws of the land….”

Yet another,

“….the key to protection, for the homosexual community at least, would be to declare themselves to be a religion and so gain immediate protected under the existing legislation…”

Good idea, lets also declare blogging as a form of Religion, so we can avoid tax and come under a ultimate shield of Human Rights. As I said, worth trying.

Goddess of Dawn

The next generation of stealth craft that are rumours to replace U-2.
Aurora, weight 83 tons, height 7 meters, length 32 meters. This craft has a speed of up to Mach 7, it was once mistaken as "UFO" while swooping above the sky of Scotland. (Link)

One of US retired Colonel says: "It is almost like alien technology."

Man who rewires his own brain

Maybe thats why we only use about 10% of the white 'tofu' in our skull.
Doctors found Terry Wallis's brain is constantly healing itself, meaning they are forming new path way to repair the damaged function of the brain. Terry has ragains some of his limbs function and is showing sign of improvement. (Link)

Many doctors agree that this is a very rare case, but some said that futures doctor would be force to see patients in a long term coma differently.

18 books about Islam and Religion banned in Malaysia

By the Act of Printing Presses and Publications, the Internal Security Department of Malaysia (the Gahmen) banned 18 controversial books. They are deem to disrupt peace and social harmony.
Among those are works of famous Islam Scholar like Karen Armstrong and John Esposito.

There are:
1. The Bargaining for Israel: In the Shadow of Armageddon.
2. Islam by Mathew S Gordon
3. Lifting the Veil by Trudie Crawford
4. A Fundamental Fear of Eurocentrism and the Emergence of Islamism.
5. Islam Revealed - A Christian Arab's View of Islam.
6. What Everyone Needs to Know About Islam.
7. Mini Skirts Mothers & Muslims.
8. The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
9. Kundalini For Beginners by Ravindra Kumar.
10. Sacred Books of the East.
11. Sharing Your Faith with A Muslim.
12. Cults, World Religions and The Occult by Kenneth Bon.
13. Petua dan Doa Pendinding, Penawar, Penyembuh Penyakit.
14. Hakikat & Hikmah 7 Hari Dalam Seminggu.
15. Pemuda Bani Tamim Perintis Jalan Imam Mahdi.
16. Kontroversi Hukum Hudud.
17. Risalah No.2 Dilema Umat Islam-Antara Hadis dan Quran.
18. Siri 7 Amalan-Amalan Bid'ah Pada Bulan Syaban.

Source from IFEX - International Freedom of Expression Exchange.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Champion of life boxer

First ever Order of Lakandula, rank of Champion of Life given out by president of Philippine to Manny Pacquiao, after he has beaten his opponent boxer, Oscar Larios from Mexico in 12 rounds.

What actually is the Order of Lakandula?


I heard about this Singapore bi-lingual newspaper few months ago, but only got to see them few days back. Will the columnist shy away from sensitive topics like sex, political scandal etc, is yet to see.

Claims to be interested in both 'stuff' from the West and East, I think this newspaper is like Singaporean, “真不是东西!”

All men as a family through mathematics calculation

Nature magazine recently publishes an article. Some scientist did a back track calculation and found that most human had common ancestors. (Link)

"If you walks into any village 3 thousand years ago, there is a high possibility that the first man you met is your great great great grandfather."
Adam and Eve is human first human ancestor, as the Bible had stated. We just need a scientific method to prove it, and confirm our logical thought. Human just cannot accept religious teaching as it is.

Even now we have a scientific prove that human are from a family, does this end all historical conflicts and solve all humanity problem?

You don't have to pay $30 to know that. (Link)

Monday, July 03, 2006

Electrolux Death Rays

I discovered this at Defence Tech
Although there isn't any real lethality, but the noise of six Germany siren whistles are enough to scare away any beast. Cool! (Link)
Watch the video. (Link)

Shadowy sex education

A hand shadow show that looks very real, at least to me.
It is safe for work, not safe for children, and hilarious!

Sunbath day - Inheritance

I am the trunk and he is the branches, you can tell the tree by its fruits.

Google as Cult

The government of Myanmar banned Google, netizens of Myanmar was only able to see the message "Access Denied" when they try to use Google services such as, Gmail, Google search etc.

How about MSN and other net "Cults"? LOL!

Are you the one suppose to come, or shall we wait?

So many people makes the claim.
Whether he comes or not, maybe is not important anymore. (Link)