
Friday, March 03, 2006

Pre World Cup 2006 blog raed

All the Oscars Nomination is out, Bit Torrent is going to open their own store.

But nothing compare to this..... when you come back from party at 2am morning, wonder what is all that cheering you heard from above your HDB, ya! it all going to be worst than your neighbour playing mahjong all night.

The season is going to be here in June, where you deprived your sleep, leave your sweet, lovely wife (or is she?) sleeping alone and posion yourself with the cheap snack you get from 7-11.
It is now about 98 days away but I pray for it to be over soon, for I cannot appreciate a bunch of athletes chasing around a ball without a reason, even if it is a world event, and I am hopeless in the soccer's way.

Soccer fever are spreading in my office now, with every men's lunch chit chat topics to that guy you meet in the loo, is all about that ball with black spot, and yes I know, men usual topic is always about something between the leg.

But, this is the time you can really see people of different skin colour, speak different tongue hug and kiss each other, spend the night at each others house to cheer for the teams they had common affiliation, to see a group of people watch football matches is like a glimpse to world peace.

For this, I wish that this world event would last as long as it could have.

To build my knowledge I did some googling and found The official site for the 2006 FIFA World Cup™ Germany which have a count down timer to indicate the day to your doom, also for general information on world cup you can visit World Cup Info.

Do you have you own favourites footballer?
Why not visit Michael Owen and Edgar Davids very own blog on MSN space - Road to World Cup?

You will also find interesting read about soccer with the below blog:
Sporting news
Soccer Weblog
My Soccer Blog

Which I know nuts about, but is going to read anyway.

Blog read: Intellectual Property is pony

I always think that the idea of Intellectual Property was not very well brought across to the general public, I mean, how do claim that ideas was yours? like what you have is unique and cannot be copy.
Maybe the Chinese people can start sueing the European for copyrights issue regarding who invented the bomb? and the native Indian can claim their "copyrights" to America lands, so on and so forth.....

Intellectual Property are not easily define, not you say so means it is so..

Link to the blog - IP Funny -- Intellectual Property Humor

Kroea hardcore "XXX" TV commercial for musing

Hold you breath, control you imagination, you never see this before.

Clean that watery mixture of secretions from your mouth away after you watch this.
Link (NSFW) to save me my bandwith.

Enjoy the show!

P2P big elephant on the rise

This animal is compatible with edonkey, and now also Bit Torrent.
I can forsee if many Asian start using, it can gain popularity really fast.
Link to this animal.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Another Submersible thumb drive - Corsair voyager

Corsair Flash Voyager USB are stylish and compact, with data transfer rate of 19Mb/s.
The external rubber casing provide water resistant and sleek outlook, it also have a capacity of 4GB compare to BenQ DP213. It also ahve a security application to deter those criminal mind.

I wonder which one will come to Singapore first? or they are already here but I still like a Mountain Turtle like that dunno.

Visit icard center for the next coming festival

Icard center pack a load of greeting, festive and miscellaneous card, which I regret missing it at Valentine, or else wife would be bery happy, wouldn't she?
But it is still worth it to go throught those cards and prepare yourself for the next occasion.....

My B'day is at the end of this month, ya! I am a Aries, got it?

Famous Blogger pay $10,000 for us to link each other

John Scott, one of the famous blogger from Search Engine Journal, say he will be paying out $10,000 (should be USD) for blogger to link each other frequently, not those top one from Technorati, but as well as those small fly in the blogosphere.


"I challenge every blogger to post links to new blogs, unknown blogs and blogs not in the Technorati’s Top 100. And I’ll pay out a total of $10,000 to those who participate. "

Link to the article, Link to the Blog Challenge.

So, Guys! what are waiting for? start linking oredi!

Coral worm QQ enable you to chat anywhere you want

The work environment we are in usually would not allow us to use something like ICQ or chat program, but fear not.....
Coral Studio recently had developed this ICQ program QQ2006, which is gaining popularity among the Chinese web. I have not tested it yet, so I can't tell you how good it is.

If you have by chance come to know this software, please drop a message here or zap me.

Plus: The good point about this software is you can see the chatter IP, so they cannot hide in the dark.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Will the price of DVD player drop?

This coming May, Sony will launch their first BD. (Blu-Ray)
I was thinking and hoping that the price of DVD recorder would drop in Singapore, although I know is a fat hope, than... I would like to go see this handsome Hyundai HYD-955T, which pack 160GB hard disk, have a figure of 49mm and continuously do recording for 200 hours.

However, that depends on whether on Singapore electric retailer will import this model or not.

Land rover with a 'exhaust' pipe sticking out from the side

Picture of a land rover with a 'exhaust' pipe sticking out from the side.
I aslo cannot tell, but it looks like it is for ventilation purpose or some kind, couldn't really tell.

Wait! maybe is a car horn, ya! thats what it must be.

Enchanted and Charmed for SGD10

A 'sales' person came and knock at out yesterday evening, he has this offer for us...
Since the price was so good, we took it.
Most important, Raynor and William enjoy it.

Night falls, we welcome it with our usual session

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Credit card memory - LaCie Carte Orange

Remember I previously blog about LaCie Gadget? Now they come out with yet another cool and slick gadget. The LaCie Carte Orange
The name is very French like, isn't it? This credit card-sized memory card can hold up to 8GB worth of data, although it is not all weather, what you expect? green and cheap huh!! It is USB 2.0 and driver free.

LaCie had come out one after another cool gadget since, it is sure a company to watch.

But... when izit coming to Singapore?

While you are here, why don't visit latest Microsoft Origami Project and also vote me on the right?

Some gossip info on China Web

Can you guess who is the most talk about blogger in the China Web?

It is not 木子美 and also not 芙蓉姐姐, they seem a bit outdated oredi!

It is 老徐, who is she?? Yes...! you heard me right! is a she.

Go take a look, Her blog got an average of 1000 comments per post! and the average hits is 100000 per day! and her blog also VSFW! very 'clean' to visit, no racist remark, no ugly news.
Some may find it outright boring, boring or not, she is still the top or among the top.

How come like this also cannot enter Technorati top list huh?
Something to do with China readers or China blogger?

Spirituality - Movie, and tibits for your conscious

For those who enjoy watching 'Spiritual' movie, What dreams may comes, Always or Somewhere in Time etc, like I do, this news should interest you.
Have you realize that we don't have this type of Movie in the 70's, not a lot, to be exact, but it is getting more and more now? this is sure an interesting topic to go into, sometimes maybe.

Many of the Director from those critically acclaim 'spiritual' movie had gather to form this Spiritual Cinema Circle, which aim to inspire your inner soul, enrich your deepest passion for Humanity. If you do like this type of movie, take a moment to browse through the site like I do.

Dan Brown - There is no new idea under the sun

For those who are interested, the author of Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown is being sued for 'stealing' ideas from an old novel, The Holy blood and the Holy Grail.
IMHO, some 'major' power don't like either him or his book, or both, so...
They get him! this had been the way of the world, always!

But, This would only make more people read his book, as with all controversial issue.

tip off by slash dot

Monday, February 27, 2006

Origami Air Superiority in you hand

One of my friend have show me a 5 piece makeup of the most powderful jet fighter - F35 in Origami style.
This is child's play, I said to myself. But I am still fascinated by having a jet that is few times more powerful than F-15E in my hand. Watch out! Singapore.

Initially it is not easy to fold this aircraft, it end up with something 三不像, now he had four F35 in his cabinet waiting for launch.

Rel Info:
I also heard that the next Aerospace exhibition may not come to Singapore anymore, because..... She is going to have her own - Singapore Aerospace exhibition.

Browser choice of the month - Opera

Although I am not 100% sure and dare not claim strongly, I pretty much can say that more than 80% of Singapore Internet user uses IE, good for you, Microsoft.
There are also some in Singapore who is using FireFox, etc.
But, I think not much have heard of Opera, cliam to be the faster Browser on Earth.

Other that the High speed that it claim, 2 features that will certainly make me download and test it out:

1. Integrated Search
2. Opera is also the First Web browser to natively support Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Internet is moving so fast, faster than I can say "lets Opera!"

Rel link to read: Opera Vs. IE Vs. Firefox - Browser Comparison

USB massager that was designed to look like tortoise

This is a massager, not a virbrator, that has a tortoise design, power by merely a USB plug-in.
I saw this in one of the PC magazine, but could not find it any where on the web or any PC store I came across in Singapore, If anyone see this please kindly tip me, or drop a message here.

I heard although it is quite small, but it is powerful enough to do the job well. The Mag told me.