All the Oscars Nomination is out, Bit Torrent is going to open their own store.
But nothing compare to this..... when you come back from party at 2am morning, wonder what is all that cheering you heard from above your HDB, ya! it all going to be worst than your neighbour playing mahjong all night.
The season is going to be here in June, where you deprived your sleep, leave your sweet, lovely wife (or is she?) sleeping alone and posion yourself with the cheap snack you get from 7-11.
It is now about 98 days away but I pray for it to be over soon, for I cannot appreciate a bunch of athletes chasing around a ball without a reason, even if it is a world event, and I am hopeless in the soccer's way.
Soccer fever are spreading in my office now, with every men's lunch chit chat topics to that guy you meet in the loo, is all about that ball with black spot, and yes I know, men usual topic is always about something between the leg.
But, this is the time you can really see people of different skin colour, speak different tongue hug and kiss each other, spend the night at each others house to cheer for the teams they had common affiliation, to see a group of people watch football matches is like a glimpse to world peace.
For this, I wish that this world event would last as long as it could have.
To build my knowledge I did some googling and found The official site for the 2006 FIFA World Cup™ Germany which have a count down timer to indicate the day to your doom, also for general information on world cup you can visit World Cup Info.
Do you have you own favourites footballer?
Why not visit Michael Owen and Edgar Davids very own blog on MSN space - Road to World Cup?
You will also find interesting read about soccer with the below blog:
Sporting news
Soccer Weblog
My Soccer Blog
Which I know nuts about, but is going to read anyway.
1 comment:
Hey!yup yup.Link approved!
Add me anytime...I've already added yours,under
Uncle 'Lostin'...hehehe.
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