My 'bosses' come and ask me nicely to take up extra duty and responsibility, saying that it is for my own good, Lostin disagree, so in an informal dinner gathering, Lostin share:
""In the mid 17th century a ship name MayFlower set sail with 300 pilgrim on board to the new world, they founded New Plymouth. With the blessing of abandon resources there they grow into 13 rich state, at this time their Mother land where they came from demand heavy and unreasonable taxes from them, they boycott the goods and declare independence, a War started. With the help of France they finally win the war. Now we know them as - The United state of America.""
They cannot understand, maybe is too chim! so lostin go light and send them this pic:
They still cannot appreciate and got a little agitated. So finally lostin make it blunt:
""To: Mdm Pheonix
Cc: Mr OldFox
Bcc: Mr BrightStar (at least I still regard them Mr)
I have study my contract and discuss with my (Real) boss, the following are in my discretion, not within my scope of work, so it is not appropriate for me to perform.
1. Blah..blah..blah
2. more blah.. blah.. blah
3. blah.. and blah and so on
yours sincerely always
The hidden code: I work IN your comapany not FOR your company, I Sympathize your position but I cannot help, please be understanding and don't pull me along with you, thanks! ""
Guess what? we end up in a small coffee session.
Ah.....! Office politic, is not about how well you work, is about about how well you work with people.
This battle of Rights has cost me a few friends, not so dear. But I guess our good old proverb is correct that nothing is free in this world, not even your GOD damn given freedom.
The whole thing is like 春秋战国 and 三国演义 to me, very real!
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