
Monday, May 22, 2006

Magnanimous healer for Humanity

Dr. Zhi Gang Sha experiences a near death during childhood, which he laid coma for sometimes. There onward, he determined to help more people heal, and overcome chronic pain.
This is a kind of self healing technique, not worship. (Link) Although it is claim so, will it in the future become like the Falun Gong? Hard to tell now.

But from what I have gather so far, (and by the look) it is unlikely that man like this would turn to the "side" practice, rather, it is usually the followers that corrupt the practice, and lead more people along.

Dr. Zhi Gang Sha base in Hawaii and teaches his self healing technique there, the movement is at its beginning stage and worth observing.

The news at Star Bulletin has more info. (Link)

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