Let me explain a bit...
You see, Singaporean are strategically placed, sorry, most of us live in a high rise flat built by our government. Or many of us know it as Housing Development Board(HDB) flat. They don't turn off the light. Never. Not at Earth most desperate hour. Nay.
They also installed CCTV at every lift of HDB. I personally believe my country has the most CCTV per square feet in the World.
I talk too much off topic. Nevermind.
After some desperate Google I finally come to my senses, disappointingly inform wife that it was actually a far off eastern peninsula that have this incentive. We can only hope, and maybe learn to master a foreign tongue to enjoy it. Alas! We cannot.
Why oh why Singaporean refuses to make baby. Or even get married.
I remember a famous man, I can't remember who, told me that humanity would perish in a 100 years if everyone refuses to make baby.
I like to close this article here and turn off our light early. We would like to have another baby.
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