
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Disappearance of MRT dustbin - thievery

Those who take MRT, take heart. I have discover a plot going on there, you cannot find any more dustbin in the vicinity of the MRT.

what has happen?

is this the work of a special collector?

maybe it is link to the secret gahmen brain washing project.

you cannot find it here!

no no, not here either.

everyday you walk pass this place and never notice something is wrong here?

or you are use to let others telling you what to do?

remember the convenient tissue, used ticket, sweet wrapper that you dropped on your way up?

well thats history, but you are not paying any attention to it, aren't you?

How bout the your ticket fare running dry faster and faster each day?

no concern too?

you cannot find it either up or down.

or is it when they said up means up, down means down? when you have to walk 10 miles to dispose your tissue you gonna do it!

well, no complain no pain!

they implement it and you take it.

Hah! what a way to cut cost and increase profit.

Suggestion to further the cause:
1. install more camera and increase our fare, for security sake.
2. put up a gate way at the 'most disired zone', all passenger that pass by, $0.50 will be deducted from cash card, you can call it E-R-P whatever you like.
3. +5% GST to all fare.
4. plus another 10% security charges, now or never.
5. more ads, on the floor, top of the train, in the toilet, so you can increase your revenue and implement the above.
6. sub charges for people that park their bicycles near by the MRT.
7. build shops on the platform to counter our unemployment rate.

THINK bout IT!

(Technorati Tags:) include


Anonymous said...

They took away the dustbins because they can be used for putting bombs, lah.

It is the same way in London tube.

Pencil said...


Nice blog you got there.

The rubbish bins were taken away cause they were afraid bombs were put in them.

Have to be careful.

Btw, do you know how to make your blog searchable from search engine? I can't seem to make mine searchable...