
Saturday, April 17, 2010


I am suppose to write a Chinese review. But I got so many Korea culture shock from this movie that I decided to write a bit in English. You know, I never really watch a Korean movie, but the title and the casts, and reviews from the web push me to watch. I was also mistaken in many occasion as one who dislike Korea. I do not. I admit I was so much intrigue by Japanese culture, but after this movie, I can say Korea can be as fascinating as you want it to be.

There is this thing about their language, if you are Chinese who speaks good Mandarin, I swear you can understand Korean by just listening it for many times. It's a strange feeling.

Here is my Chinese review.

妈妈,韩国电影 (Madeo)。如果你想在这部戏里找感动,不要迟疑了!我重头到尾只稍微感动了五分钟。希望你能找到更多。

不过,这是一部好电影吗?当 然,我只是觉得它轰轰雷声响,却下毛毛雨。不够过隐,也不足回味。要是重看,我绝不重看。

戏里倒有几个纳罕之处,比如说,原来韩国的车辆没 有警报。有一幕晉久,演正泰的那位,飞腿把一辆豪华型轿车的望后镜给踢断了,那辆车哼都不哼一声。也就是说,没有防盗警铃。想来是偏僻乡村,运输困难,所 以全部的车都懒得装。另外,我个人觉的花文字幕,翻译会比英文来准确,我当然不懂韩文,这只是单纯个人的感觉。你看过了就会明白。

从开始 到戏结尾,妈妈故事桥段都篇排的不错,没有冷场,剧情一步一步的解开金惠子如何解救的儿子。整场戏的重头,其实就是金惠子。元斌演的弱智儿子也瞒好的,就 是不哭不笑也不怒。这角色难演。

我蛮喜欢戏的开场,它说明了这部戏是带点轻松幽默的,而戏也办到了。你有是会让戏里一些搞笑的韩国文化惹 得微笑,如果你哈韩的话,更能体会。


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