
Friday, January 18, 2008

Youtube: Controversial autopsy video

I believe many of you had cut open frog, but I dare say no one ever see a real one like this. This is gross! Extremely not safe for children and pregnant woman. (Video)


Anonymous said...

I'd not call it gross - it's reality. Whether you like the thought or not, inside you too are exactly as shown here, and one day you'll be exactly as dead as shown here. I once witnessed a real autopsy, and besides being extremely interesting concerning human anatomy, it opened my eyes by showing me what we are - meat - and what the true meaning of the word "dead" is.

Anonymous said...

i dont think its nasty either. i wanna study for this! everyone gets to this point in life.

Anonymous said...

I've seen this video, and I'm 14. I find it very fascinating. I personally do not find it nasty or disgusting. Every human looks like this inside, except for some of the glands and the implant breasts.

Unknown said...

I hope the woman's family finds comfort in her loss and she finds eternal peace in death. The video is not in bad taste at all. The doctor is very professional in his commentary of the whole event. I enjoyed the explanations and why and what was being done. The technician making the quick incisions seems seasoned in his/her job. I probably would have done it in a more humble manner but there was still nothing disrespectful about it in my opinion. Autopsies are like wars. they are not good. That is the reality.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
this video is gross but its reality. your going to have to deal with it. that might be u one day. your never know. but this video has tought me alot of stuff bout my body.
